Sunday, August 3, 2008

Growing Your Own

There was a great article today in the Homescape section of the San Diego Union Tribune about growing your own food. It talked about two organizations that would be worth looking into if you're interested in growing your own; the first is local, Food Not Lawns ( This is a grass-roots organization dedicated to helping others learn how to grow their own food. The second is Kitchen Gardeners International ( This one has a large website full of valuable information about growing your own food. If you are looking into growing your own , whether you are starting small with one tomato plant, or going whole hog, give these sites a look see. You'll be glad you did.

And on that note, I must say that The Happy Gardener ( has many wonderful organic products to help you grow your own food. The beauty of organic products is that you can use them directly on the plant and they will not harm you should you decide to pick a tomato off the vine and eat it right then and there. Now I certainly wouldn't recommend that because food should always be washed before being eaten, but there are no chemicals to ingest and nothing that will harm you should you wish to do so! So visit The Happy Gardener website today (, take a look and email me if you would like to place an order or host a garden party.

Happy Gardening!


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